Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day!!!

Ha!  Mother Nature decided to drop a crap load of snow on us again!  So here I am, snowed in.  The painter is here (I guess the roads were plowed); my little one is playing on the couch; my older one has gone off to a friend's house, and I am contentedly writing my blog. 
I am soooo excited about painting the house!  When we first painted it, very deep, rich colors were all the vogue.  So my palette consisted of burgandys, golds, and beiges.  I must say, I did tire of it rather quickly!

 Now I am doing everything in Antique White.  I LOVE IT!!!  It brightened up the whole house and it is putting me in the mood for spring!  I can't wait to put my furniture back in and decorate. I am leaving the burgandy colors in two of the rooms, so I think the house will be fantastic looking for Valentine's day!  :)  I'll post more pics as soon as it's finished.
For now, I'm enjoying looking out the kitchen window at the soft, white snow. :)


  1. Please post pics!! Your house was gorgeous before...I'm really into the whites as well!!

  2. I will as soon as I can get some new pics! I am currently putting chair rail and boxes on the walls in my front room; will post pics soon xoxoxo
