Sunday, October 16, 2011

The House is Officially Decorated!

I finished decorating the front of the house for Halloween yesterday! I am very happy with how it turned out! I actually enjoy decorating for Halloween more than I do for Christmas! Fall is my very favorite holiday so I guess I take joy in all things autumn. I bought a BIG jug of cider and have been enjoying it cold AND hot. When I heat it up, I add a bit of cider spice that I bought. I also add a cinnamon stick to each cup at the end, for added flavor. Yum!


  1. Wonderful, I love all of your Halloween decorating. You are very talented.

    Happy Halloween,

  2. Wow, my kids and I would love to go to ring your doorbell on Halloween! Beautifully decorated home, and such a big house. Simply lovely!

  3. Oh my! You're home is beautiful! And your decorations are simply spooktacular!
